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EYFS Maths Games

Average Rating4.30
(based on 28 reviews)

Experienced EYFS & primary teacher, SENCO delivering simple IWB maths games and resources to support teaching and learning in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. Reviews and suggestions for new games are most welcome.




Experienced EYFS & primary teacher, SENCO delivering simple IWB maths games and resources to support teaching and learning in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. Reviews and suggestions for new games are most welcome.
Pumpkins Ten-Frame

Pumpkins Ten-Frame

A simple interactive maths ten-frame game with a pumpkin theme, ideal for harvest and halloween. Ideal to use on the IWB. Children are presented with various arrangements of pumpkins in the ten-frame. Children need to match the amount shown in the ten-frame with the correct number digit by click on the number track. 44 slides in length Includes a set of ten-frames with varying arrangements of pumpkins and number cards from 1 to 10 for activities in continuous provision. If you enjoy using this maths game please leave us a positive review so we can spread the word about our IWB resources. Many thanks for your support.
Number bonds to 10 Happy Chinese New Year

Number bonds to 10 Happy Chinese New Year

This simple interactive whiteboard game, designed using Powerpoint will support children’s early mathematical understanding of addition using number bonds to 10. Several missing number addition calculations are presented using number bonds to 10. Children need to count on to work out the missing number. A small sample of questions are shown in the preview slide. All numbers bonds are covered.
Counting Dinosaurs to 10

Counting Dinosaurs to 10

A simple interactive whiteboard maths game designed using Powerpoint to support counting skills in the early years. Children count the number of dinosaurs and click the corresponding digit on the number line. This game supports the development of children’s early mathematical skills, including one to one correspondence and symbolic number recognition. Ideal for modelling basic counting skills using a number line from 1 to 10 in the early years. A sample of questions are shared in the preview slide.
Counting 1 to 10 Under the Sea

Counting 1 to 10 Under the Sea

This simple interactive game, designed in Powerpoint will help support the development of children’s early counting skills from 1 to 10. Children are invited to count the number of fish under the sea on each slide. This activity works well as a whole class teaching tool and can be modelled on the interactive whiteboard. Children can practise drawing the fish and writing the matching number on their individual small whiteboards. A confident child can be asked to click the matching number on the number line. Children requiring additional challenge can be asked to calculate what would be one more / one less than the amount shown. A small sample of slides is shared in the preview.
Counting in the Jungle 1 to 10

Counting in the Jungle 1 to 10

A simple interactive maths game, designed in Powerpoint to support children’s early counting skills from 1 to 10. Works well as a whole class modelling activity on the interactive whiteboard with the children working on small whiteboards, practicing their counting and number formation skills. Children are asked to count the monkeys they can see and find and click the correct number on the number line. If required more challenge can be simply added by asking children to count how many eyes the monkeys have altogether and start counting in 2s.
Number Bonds 10 Winter Olympics 2022

Number Bonds 10 Winter Olympics 2022

A simple interactive maths game, designed using Powerpoint, ideal for modelling number bonds 1 to 10 on the interactive whiteboard as part of whole class teaching with a Winter Olympics Snowboarding theme. Children are asked to click the matching number bond to make each calculation correct. All number bond pairs are presented in the slides.
Harvest Number Bonds to 10

Harvest Number Bonds to 10

A simple interactive Powerpoint game to develop young children’s recall of number bonds to 10 using a Harvest theme. Children say how many more spots make 10. Children click on the matching digit on the number line. There are 20 slides in the game. A fun way to teach number bonds to 10 using regular domino patterns.
Valentines Day Maths - What makes 10?

Valentines Day Maths - What makes 10?

A very simple interactive Powerpoint game ideal for modelling missing number calculations on the interactive whiteboard. This game explores pairs of numbers that make 10 with a Valentines theme. Children are invited to count and or draw the hearts on their small whiteboards and work out how many more are needed to make 10. A small sample of missing number calculations is shown in the preview.
Counting Mini-beasts 1 to 10

Counting Mini-beasts 1 to 10

A simple interactive counting game, designed in Powerpoint to support the development of children’s early counting skills from 1 to 10. This counting game will support children’s one to one number correspondence and number recognition. A variety of mini-beasts are presented on each slide from 1 to 10 for children to count. Children count how many mini-beast and click the matching numeral on the number track to practice their counting skills. Ideal for whole class teaching and learning using the interactive white board. This resource also includes ten-frame templates from 1-10 showing mini-beasts (bees) in various arrangements. These templates can be printed off and laminated for use in independent learning activities. Easily edited to suit your own needs.
Robots Counting using a ten frame

Robots Counting using a ten frame

A simple interactive counting game using a ten frame, designed in Powerpoint to support children’s early counting skills. Children can use their best robot voices to count how many counters and click the matching number on the number line. This progresses to asking how many more counters need to be added to make 10. An ideal teacher modelling activity on the interactive whiteboard to reinforce children’s knowledge of number bonds.
Valentines Day Counting

Valentines Day Counting

A simple interactive counting game, designed in Powerpoint. This game is ideally shared on the interactive whiteboard to model counting skills and the game played as a whole class. Children are asked to count the number of chocolate hearts in the tens frame (chocolate box) and click the matching number on the number line. The children are then asked how many chocolates are missing from the boxes / tens frame. All tens frames 1-10 hearts are included in the game. As a follow up activity children can make the missing hearts from playdough to fill the chocolate boxes to support their knowledge of number bonds.
World Cup 2022 Number Bond to 10 Ten Frame

World Cup 2022 Number Bond to 10 Ten Frame

A simple IWB counting game to teach and model number bonds to 10 using a World Cup theme. Children are invited to count how many more footballs would make 10 and click on the matching number digit card. An ideal for game to use during whole class teaching or during small guided group sessions. An ideal activity to develop knowledge and fluency of number bonds to 10. Varying arrangements of 10 footballs are shown in the ten-frame. Tune in to topical interests “The World Cup 2022” to inspire a love of Maths!
World Cup 2022 Counting Footballs to 10

World Cup 2022 Counting Footballs to 10

Ideal to model and engage early counting skills. A simple interactive game, designed in Powerpoint to support early counting skills from 1 to 10 using a ten-frame. Children are invited to count the number of footballs in the ten-frame and click on the matching numeral on the number track. Amounts from 1 to 10 are presented in the slides in varying arrangements. Easily editable content.
Counting to 20 Ten Frame

Counting to 20 Ten Frame

A simple IWB game designed in Powerpoint to develop children’s knowledge of place value and recognise amounts from 10 to 20. Help Mr Penguin count on from ten and work out how many spots there are altogether in the ten-frames. Amounts from 10 to 20 shown. Children are shown an amount from 10 to 20 uisng ten-frames and need to identify the matching number digit card. Ideal to support and model counting on from 10. 10 in my head count on three…11, 12, 13. Easily editable content.
Counting to 20 Bonfire Night

Counting to 20 Bonfire Night

A simple IWB game to support the development of number recognition from 11 to 20. Children are invited to match the amounts presented (using coloured numicon pieces) and click on the correct number digit card to set off the rocket. Ideal to support counting on from 10 and develop number knowledge of amounts from 11 to 20. For example, “Ten in my head” and count on six …11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Children can count down from the number shown on the screen before the firework (rocket) goes off. A fun way to practice and revise numbers from 11 to 20. Easily editable content.
How many Pancakes? Using a Ten-Frame

How many Pancakes? Using a Ten-Frame

An ideal Math game to celebrate Pancake Day. A simple IWB maths game, designed in PowerPoint to support the development of children’s early number skills within 10. Children say the numbr of pancakes they can see in the ten-frame and click on the matching numeral on the number track. This game is fully interactive and works well as part of whole class teaching and learning. It may also work well as part of small guided group work or during continuous provision. This resource aligns well with Spring Term EYFS White Rose Maths Planning and the Building 9,10 Unit of work, although is not endorsed or approved by WRM. It can be easily adapted to create other arrangements of ten. For example, to show numicon amounts or any other arrangements you wish. This simple maths game is 37 slides in length and fully editable. If you enjoy using this Maths game to support teaching and learning in your classroom then do please leave us a postive review. You may also wish to join our growing online community on Twitter @Eyfsgames to hear about our latest FREE games.
Making 5 Spring is Here!

Making 5 Spring is Here!

A simple IWB maths game, designed in Powerpoint to support children’s understanding of making 5. Children say the amount of chicks presented in the 5-frame and click the matching numeral on the number track. Following this the children explore what is one more and one less and click the right answer on the number track. A super simple Maths mental starter with an Easter Chick / Sping theme. If you enjoy using our games please post a positive review. Many thanks.
Domino Doubles

Domino Doubles

Domino Doubles is a simple FREE interactive whiteboard game (IWB) to support the development of children’s early number knowledge of doubles within ten. Children are invited to subitise (see the number of spots on one side of the domino - amounts within five) and then calculate what would be double the amount shown. Children are invited to show the answer with their fingers or may wish to draw and calculate the double using their small white boards. The teacher or child can then click on the matching symbolic number card to reveal the correct answer. This game aligns well with WhiteRose Maths EYFS and Year 1 Units (though is not approved or endorsed by WRM) and supports doubling skills within 10. It may also work well with spot on number resources, but again is not approved or endorsed by Spot on with Number. This interactive maths game can be used to introduce doubling and uses regular domino patterns. It can be an ideal introduction to doubling and further independent maths investigation, exploring regular and irregular domino patterns and doubling amounts within ten. For example, during independent learning children can begin to create and design their own doubling domino arrangements. This game is easily editable and 22 slides in length. This maths game can be played as part of whole class teaching and learning and or during small-group and or 1-1 adult-led teaching and learning sessions. It could also be used to assess whether children are able to confidently recognise and calculate their doubles within ten. If you enjoy using “Domino Doubles” with your class please give us a positive review. You may also like to join our growing online community on Twitter @EyfsGames to hear about our latest FREE Maths games.
Domino Making Ten

Domino Making Ten

A simple FREE interactive whiteboard maths game to support the development of children’s early number skills. Develops number knowledge and pairs of numbers to ten. Children are invited to subitise the spots on the domino from one to five (see how many without counting) and click on how many more spots makes ten. This game fits well with WhiteRose Maths Spring Term Unit planning Growing 6,7,8 and Building 9,10 (though is not endorsed) and supports conceptual subisiting skills - a key early learning goal in Reception. This interactive maths game can be used to introduce different ways of making amounts to ten. It can be an ideal introduction to independent learning activities and maths investigation, exploring domino patterns and different ways of making amounts to ten. For example, children can match and sort all the different ways of making ten and begin to create and design their own arrangements. This game is easily editable and 40 slides in length. This maths game can be played as a whole class or during small-group or 1-1 adult-led sessions. It could also be used to assess whether children are able to confidently recognise their number bonds to ten. If you enjoy using this FREE IWB Maths game with your class please give us a positive review. You may also like to join our growing online community on Twitter @EyfsGames to hear about our latest games. Share a positive review of our IWB Maths games on Twitter (or on TES) during the next six months and we can send you a game of your own choice to say thanks for all your support.
Counting in 2s - How many socks altogether?

Counting in 2s - How many socks altogether?

Counting in 2s is a simple interactive whiteboard game designed in Powerpoint to support children’s early number development. Children are invited to count the socks in 2s and click on the matching number card. Ideal for whole class teaching and learning. Links well with whiterose maths suggested activities for Summer Term planning for Yr 1 multiplication and counting in 2s. Try now - freely available. If you enjoy using this resource to support teaching and learning then please leave a positive review. You may also like to join our growing online community on Twitter @Eyfsgames to hear about our latest games.